Keeping Cork Active
Keeping Cork Active

Sports On The Greens Public Event | Clean Air Day 2024

Cork City Council, Cork Sports Partnership & Cork ETB are delighted to launch fun Sports On The Greens events on Sat, 7th Sept as part of Clean Air Day 2024!

Free, fun 2 hour sessions of athletics, gaa, soccer and cricket activities in Tramore Valley Park with FAI Cork, Athletics Ireland, Cork Gaa & Munster Cricket.

Each age group will take part in 4 different sports during their 2 hour timeslot

Event Details:

  • Date: Sat, 7th Sept
  • Venue: Tramore Valley Park
  • Times: 11am-1pm slot
    • Age groups 4-6yo | 7-9yo | 10-12yo | 12+yo
  • Time: 1.30-3.30pm slot
    • Age groups 4-6yo | 7-9yo | 10-12yo | 12+yo
  • To register: Click here>>>

For more info on Clear Air events with Cork City Council please follow the link below!


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