Keeping Cork Active
Keeping Cork Active

Schools Road Safety Webinar | Cork Walking Week 2024

Registration is now open for the Cork County Primary Schools  Road Safety Webinar which will be held during Cork Walking Week 2024. Caroline Casey, Water & Road Safety Development Officer, Cork County Council and Community Garda of An Garda Siochana will present a live 45 minute presentation to primary school students across County Cork this September, covering all aspects of road safety, walking or cycling safely to travelling safely in your car.

Please note this webinar is open to school in County Cork

Road Safety Webinar Content:
  • Safe Thinking
  • Observation Skills
  • Decision Making
  • Supervision
  • Behaviour
  • Role Modelling Safety With Younger Members Of  Your School, Community & Family
  • Questions & Answers
Webinar Details:
  • Date: Mon, 23rd Sept 2024
  • Time: 9.30am-10.30am
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Which classes: 2nd-6th classes
  • Register: Complete the online form below
  • Queries: Email James at

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