Keeping Cork Active
Keeping Cork Active

Programmes, Classes & Training

Walk Your Way Programme

Community Groups, GAA Clubs and many more organisations are now free to apply to avail of our walk Your Way 6-Week Walking Programme!

This programme includes one walk per week over a period of six weeks which allows for the establishment of a walking group in a community setting. These weekly walks are facilitated by trained Cork Sports Partnership tutors who have come from various backgrounds from fitness to mental health provision to occupational therapy. They will assist you to warm up, cooldown and explore your area in a safe manner. These programme are FREE. 

Programmes are up and running in: Ballinacarriga, Clonakilty, Cork City and Mallow already and we can facilitate a number of new groups before the end of the year. 

If you are involved in a group who would like to take part or if you have any further questions, please reach out to Alison at 

Active Community Walking Programme

The Get Ireland Walking Active Community Walking Programme aims to support the creation of vibrant walking communities throughout Ireland. The programme will work with communities to increase the capacity and potential of people to become more active through walking.
Cork Sports Partnership coordinate the programme locally in Cork and under the Active Community Walking programme provide walking facilitators to interested groups/communities over a period of 8 weeks to roll out the programme. These facilitators are provided free of charge under the GIW Active Community Walking Programme.

Cork Sports Partnership under the GIW ACWP  is seeking groups/communities who would like to get a walking club/group going in their area under this programme.   A trained facilitator will attend 8 sessions and provide advice/resources which will help the group become sustainable. 

If you are interested in availing of this programme please complete the expression of interest form here

Should you have any questions or if you would like to join one of these programmes, please do not hesitate to contact  Alison at 📩

Download Press Release here.


Woodlands For Health

This is a referral based walking programme designed by Coillte, Get Ireland Walking and Mental Health Ireland to help those suffering with mental health related problems get out into nature. It is based on research that shows the benefits of walking in nature on our mental health and general wellbeing. 

If you work in mental health, occupational therapy or other related health care services and would like to organise this programme for your participants please reach out to Alison at 

For more information on the programme click below.

Activator Poles

ACTIVATOR poles are an adaptation of Nordic Walking poles and have been developed by Canadian therapists to promote balance and improve mobility.

This programme is particularly focused at people with balance concerns or mobility issues. They are suitable for all, including people with; arthritis, an acquired brain injury, or people with Parkinson’s disease. The Cork Sports Partnership in partnership with fitWALK Ireland has trained a number of exercise professionals in Cork to deliver the programme to groups. 

ACTIVATOR Pole sessions allow participants to Get to Grips’ with the special ACTIVATOR technique (which differs from that used in Nordic walking).

For further information: Contact Alison at

Walk Your Way Online Workshop

About the workshop:

The aim of this workshop is to encourage you to walk more and more often and also enable you to get more health benefits from your walk. This is done through focusing on improving balance, strength, mobility & aerobic fitness and how these can be incorporated into your routine walk.

Who is this workshop suitable for?

This workshop is ideally suited to all adults with an interest in walking; both beginners and those already walking.

How is the workshop delivered?

This 2-hour workshop is delivered by HSE, Physical Activity Health Promotion Officers and has been adapted from an original workshop developed by the Irish Heart Foundation.  The workshop includes a mixture of information giving in a presentation style, group participation and some light physical activity. A minimum of 16 participants is required before a workshop can be delivered; this group can be made up of members of community groups and/or individuals within the community not associated with any group.

You can also avail of an online version of this workshop.  The online workshop is delivered via PowerPoint Audio Presentations over a 4-week period (4 x 25 min sessions). Each session can be viewed in your own time and you set your own walking targets.

Further information:

This workshop is FREE of charge. Registration is essential. For further information and to obtain an application form please email;    


Hillwalking and Mountaineering Skills

Mountaineering Ireland offer a number of upskilling courses to suit every level of ability. 

For more information check out the link below: 


Fitwalk Programme

fitWALK Ireland has developed participation programmes that are delivered and coordinated at a local level by the Cork Sports Partnership and the Health Promotion Dept. of the HSE South. The programmes are educational, practical and social and benefits to participants include:

– improving their physical fitness
– getting information to enable them to maintain good levels of fitness afterwards
– meeting others, having a few laughs and making new friends

Each programme lasts 5-weeks and is delivered in local parish/community/school halls
by a qualified fitWALK Trainer. The current programmes available in Cork are:

  • Fleetfeet: a series of 5 once-weekly sessions delivered indoors for up to 20 participants. Each 1hr session includes an educational input and a functional fitness session which includes fitness walking and exercises. Over the programme participants are taught good posture; the use of step counters and heart rate monitors; mobility, resistance, and stretching exercises; and the techniques of Stridewalking and Powerwalking.
  • Footpumpin: a series of 5 once-weekly sessions delivered outdoors for up to 20 participants. Each 1hr session includes a short educational input and a high-intensity session which includes fitness walking and a variety of exercises using the outdoor environment. Participants learn about posture, footwork, mobility, resistance, and the techniques of Stridewalking and Powerwalking.
  • FittleSticks: a series of 5 once-weekly sessions delivered indoors/outdoors for up to 20 participants. Each 1hr session includes an educational input and a functional fitness session which includes Nordic walking and exercises. Over the course of the programme participants are taught to use Nordic Poles to improve aerobic fitness, flexibility, and muscle strength.
  • Pole Pushing (only done on demand): a series of 5 once-weekly sessions delivered outdoors for up to 20 participants. Each 1hr session includes a short educational input and a high-intensity session which includes Nordic walking and a range of exercises using Nordic poles in the outdoor environment.

​All of the above programmes are run on request so if your community and or walking group are interested in running any of the above programmes, please contact Alison at 📩 or click here.

Walk Ready

Cork Sports Partnership’s Walk Ready Movement Circuit
The Walk Ready Movement Circuit was designed to help you improve your overall strength & mobility, but also to prepare you to get the most from your walking.

We recommend completing this circuit before a walk, particularly of a longer distance. However, if you find you are lacking movement or you feel you particularly limited in areas such as the ankles or hips then this movement circuit can be completed at any point throughout your day.

The Walk Ready Movement Circuit targets areas of the body that are prone to becoming stiff and limited in range of motion. Try out the following movement circuit and make it part of your walking routine!



Functional Fitness

Fit 2 Function Series | Session 1

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