What is Pickleball?
- A fun sport that combines many elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong.
- Played both indoors or outdoors on a badminton-sized court and a slightly modified tennis net.
- Played with a paddle and a plastic ball with holes.
- Played as doubles or singles.
- Can be enjoyed by all ages and skill levels
Now is the time to try something new!! All equipment is provided!
- Venue: Cobh Community Centre
- Day: Fridays
- Time: 11am-1pm
- Who: Mixed Men & Women (18+)
- Cost: €10 per hour or €20 for 2 hours
- Text: Wayne at 089-9551254 to book
- Venue: Midleton College (back again on 6th July)
- Day: Fridays
- Time: 7-9pm
- Who: Mixed Men & Women (18+)
- Cost: €10 per hour or €20 for 2 hours
- Text: Wayne at 089-9551254 to book
- Venue: Saile Sports Centre, Kinsale
- Day: Saturdays
- Time: 9.30am or 10.30am
- Who: Mixed Men & Women (18+)
- Cost: € per person
- Text: Arnolda at 085-7169281