Keeping Cork Active
Keeping Cork Active

Men on the Move

Men on the Move 2024

What is the Men on the Move programme?

Men on the Move programme is a physical activity programme aimed at supporting men to become active and improve their health in a fun and sociable environment. 

If you are wish to propose a group or venue to host a Men on the Move Programme please complete the form from the link below.

Ongoing Programmes:

New Programmes

New programmes typically Launch in September & January. Keep an eye on the Cork Sports Partnership Latest News Section and Social Media for information on any new programmes.

Men on the Move Testimonials Programme May 2020:

Being an Insulin dependent Diabetic for almost 30 years and having turned the big 50 earlier this year I found working from home as part of Covid Lockdown a massive change from the 12 hours that I was used to be out of the house every Monday to Friday. Exercise and movement became even more important than ever as I was not sitting in the same room, chair etc for up to 10 hours a day. My daily steps had all of a sudden dropped by 70% and will access close by to food I could feel the lbs piling on! 

Once I mastered Zoom for the first time the online sessions were great because it meant it could be done in a location that suited me. The familiarity of faces of friends from our local MOTM group gave encouragement to participate. The exercises covered in the sessions seemed to exercise muscles that previously weren’t exercised. The sessions were extremely well presented and encouraged each person to push themselves as much as they wanted. Having completed each weekly session I got a great buzz of accomplishment and looked forward to the next weekly session. Unknown to myself I found that unconsciously doing some of the exercises when sitting in the office chair while on phone calls. Delighted to have participated and well done to all. I would highly recommend joining to anyone at any age. 

Paul O'Connell

From my perspective, the programme is really great because of four particular aspects. Firstly, the exercises are delivered by Billy in a positive, encouraging and supportive way. I believe everybody taking the programme feels good about what they are doing. Secondly, the online conference format is exceptionally easy to commit to, and requires very little in terms of time, space and equipment. Thirdly, the spreadsheets provide a super reminder/prompt to work in a couple of additional sessions in the week. And finally, it is very much in my own control to do the exercises at my own level and at my own pace, in privacy, with no embarrassment or comparison with others.

John Murphy
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