Farming traditionally is regarded as a healthy lifestyle but research has shown that farmers are disproportionately affected by lifestyle diseases. Farmers are most likely to suffer from circulatory diseases in comparison to other occupations. The Irish Heart Foundation research in 2014 with over 1000 farmers concluded that more than half of the participants had a history of heart disease, reported high blood pressure, cholesterol, were overweight or obese and 1/3 self-reported not achieving the daily PA guidelines, experienced stress, and high levels of smoking and alcohol consumption.
Cork Sports Partnership with the support of the Health Promotion and Improvement Department of the HSE and Teagasc are keen to support farmers to get active and enjoy a healthy lifestyle with the roll out of the Farmers on the Moove programme.
The Farmers on the Moove Programme seeks to support and KICKSTART a farmers Health and Wellbeing journey adopting more positive lifestyle behaviours such as increasing levels of physical activity and healthy eating.