Keeping Cork Active
Keeping Cork Active


A physical activity programme for children attending paediatric primary care services.


FunFit is a FREE community based physical activity programme for children aged 6-12. The programme has been developed in Cork through an ongoing partnership between Cork Sports Partnership, Cork Kerry Community Healthcare, Health Promotion & Improvement Physical Activity team, and primary care Paediatric Physiotherapists.

The programme was developed in response to a gap identified by paediatric therapists around the need for an appropriate community based physical activity programme to signpost children attending their services to.

Access to the programme is via HSE referral only and currently the programme only accepts referrals from those attending primary care services in Cork.

Target Group

Children who have underdeveloped gross movement skills due to a range of diagnoses, as well as those who live sedentary lifestyles and are at risk of or have elevated Body Mass Index (BMI).

FunFit aims to provide a positive physical activity opportunity in a FUN, non-competitive environment to build not only movement skills but also confidence & self efficacy around being active.

Programme Design

FunFit is a group activity programme that’s delivered in blocks of terms during the school year. Each term consists of 10 weeks, with weekly classes running for 1 hour.

Sessions are delivered by Cork Sports Partnership tutors (qualified and vetted exercise professionals) who have attended specifically developed FunFit tutor training. Each class is designed to incorporate activities which focus on the following important areas of movement:

  • Aerobic Activity
  • Fundamental Movement Skills
  • Balance
  • Motor Planning


  1. Improvements in children’s enjoyment and confidence – Feedback from focus groups and questionnaires conducted with both parents & children indicate improved levels of enjoyment & confidence while many children reported trying a new activity or club as a result of participation in FunFit.
  2. Improvements in children’s Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) – FunFit is currently being evaluated by a postgraduate researcher in MTU, Cork. Preliminary findings showed marked improvement in FMS, such as jumping, catching & throwing.
  3. Multi-site locations – To date FunFit programmes are delivered in 3 locations across Cork servicing eligible children from 8 Community Health Networks. Expansion to other areas of Cork is planned in 2025.

Children's Feedback

  • I really liked when we played games that challenged me to think about things. I think you should have more games like that because it is good for my brain too.
  • I got to do things that I wouldn’t normally do like throwing javelins.
  • I liked how we got to choose a game ourselves. That was a really good idea.
  • I liked to go home and practice the games we learned during FunFit.
  • Sometimes I got tired but it was ok if I didn’t want to keep playing.
  • I liked meeting new people and making new friends.
  • I can now play ball better with my dad and my brother and sister because I am
    better at catching and throwing. That makes me happy.

Parent's Feedback

  • My daughter felt an equal to all the other participants, she was invited to make a suggestion on a fun game and she was listened to while she explained the “rules” of the game. Even if she wasn’t the fastest, strongest etc. the effort she made was praised by the amazing instructors and her peers.
  • It was good for him to see that others have some of the same difficulties as he does.
  • Just that it was getting my son out and being active with others his own age and level without any pressure to be competitive.
  • My expectations were exceeded. It helped bring the fun into sport.
  • My daughter would never be picked on a team in school and I wanted her to have a group where they could have fun and find encouragement and enjoyment.

Primary Care Therapist Feedback

  • These classes have been a resounding success from my point of view. It is exactly what is needed for many of my clients.
  • It provides a safe social space, fun exercises, flexibility to adapt to an individual child’s needs.
  • It has benefitted kids with anxiety hugely especially social skills/emotional regulation
The FunFit team - a collaborative working group

FunFit Team

Physical Activity Team – Health Promotion and Improvement Department, Cork Kerry Community Healthcare

Project Lead – WellComm Active Initiative, Cork Sports Partnership

Paediatric Physiotherapy Team – Cork Kerry Community Healthcare

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